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Company Information

Country: Philippines
State: Metro Manila
City: San Juan
Address: 70 A Bonifacio St., San Juan, Metro Manila, Philippines
Phone: 723-0741 TO 43
Work Hour:
      Monday:24 hrs
      Tuesday:24 hrs
      Wednesday:24 hrs
      Thursday:24 hrs
      Friday:24 hrs
      Saturday:24 hrs
      Sunday:24 hrs


     St. Martin de Porres Charity Hospital (SMPCH) is a project of the Dominican Family of San Juan since 1959 but had depended solely on Divine Providence.
Originally known as the Blessed Martin de Porres Free Clinic, the St. Martin de Porres Charity Hospital (SMPCH) started as a tiny seed in just a simple one-room at the ground floor of the Covenant of the Dominican Fathers in San Juan, Rizal (now San Juan City) on September 27, 1959. The setting up of a free clinic was the generous response of the members of the Dominican Tertiaries (now Dominican Laity), headed by Dr. Aleli R. Guzman Quirino, O.P., to the Lord’s command of love which serve as an inspiration for them to give aid to the needy through medical and either related services.
Update Time: 2020-09-18