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Company Information

Company Name: JWE Car Rentals
Country: Philippines
State: Cavite
City: Imus City
Date of Establishment: 2019
Address: Unit 3-D, A&M Ramos Bldg (Same building as Sterling Bank Imus). Along Aguinaldo Highway Bayan Luma 2, Imus City, Cavite, Philippines
Phone: 09182484300,09182484300
Work Hour:
      Monday:8:00 am - 5:00 pm
      Tuesday:8:00 am - 5:00 pm
      Wednesday:8:00 am - 5:00 pm
      Thursday:8:00 am - 5:00 pm
      Friday:8:00 am - 5:00 pm


     Our Hyundai H100 will surely delivery you or your item safety on your pickup location. With its seating capacity of 21 persons it definitely perfect for Family Outing, Lipat Bahay, and Cargo Delivery. You also don't have to worry about the safety of the vehicle because its being regularly maintained by Hyundai casa.
Bridal car doesn't only your commute from reception to church, it also participate to a great photos and videos from your wedding that you can cherish forever. This premium Honda Civic Reborn 2018 will surely stand-up from a regular bridal car.
Employees: 1-5
Product: Honda Civic Premium Bridal Car
Update Time: 2020-09-16