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Company Directory

Company Information

Country: Philippines
State: Isabela
City: Isabela
Address: 2nd Tomagan Building, Calamagui 2nd, Ilagan, Isabela, Isabela, Philippines
Phone: (078) 622-2061


     Welcome to the website of the Loyola Plans Consolidated, Inc.(LPCI)! We have been around since 1968, and we intend to stay around for a long time to come. We have been protecting your basic needs for as long as you can remember. The Loyola name has stood for reliability, strength, and timelessness. We have been protecting your family all these years without your realizing it, from your grandparents down to your grandchildren. But that is the way we want to be, forever in the background, serving you in times of need
Update Time: 2020-09-16