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Company Information

Company Name: Hydrangea Company
Country: Philippines
State: Laguna
Category: Bottle Caps
Address: 900 Melchora Aquino Street, Purok 5 Barangay Magsaysay, San Pedro City, Laguna
Phone: +63 (02) 8 994 6734,+63 (46) 412 4753


     HYDRANGEA CO. is a newly registered company with Securities and Exchange Commissions (SEC) to engage in the business trading of goods such as all kinds of packaging materials like PET and HDPE bottles, caps, corrugated boxes and other related packaging materials. We caters the needs both commercial and industrial markets through our Account Executives. We do also customized design for PET or HDPE bottle.
For inquiry and sample request, please don't hesitate to contact Mr. Frank Austria at 0933-463-8990 or at Tel No. (02 994-6734. You can also e-mail to us your inquiry at [email protected]
Update Time: 2020-09-19