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Company Information

Country: Philippines
State: Laguna
Address: 3/F, Bellisima Building, Pacita Avenue, Pacita Complex 1, San Vicente, San Pedro City 4023 Laguna
Phone: +63 (2) 8 403 0145


     We are a company committed to innovation and excellence in the field of infrastructure development. We started our operations in 1997 and proceeded to specialize in various kinds of vertical and horizontal structures including mass housing, small to medium-rise buildings, warehouses, irrigation canals, slope protection, roads and highways, among others.
In constant search of ways to serve you better, we developed a new construction method, the Ribbed Concrete Pre-Cast System (RCPS), to address the ever-growing need for a fast, efficient, cost-effective construction process in today
Update Time: 2020-09-19