Covenant Consultants International (CCI) is a Management Consulting Company, founded on July 15, 1993. Covenant Consultants International is a Management Consulting Company whose focus is Designing Up-to-Date Programs in the Development of Community, Enhance Productivity in the Enterprises, Develop and Enhance Organization in keeping with todayâs and futureâs need. We are a Management Consultant implementing the Human Resource and Productivity Programs for such agencies as the Government Service Insurance System (GSIS), Department of Science and Technology through the Technology Applications and Promotions Institute (TAPI) â implementing the Manufacturing Productivity Extension Program (MPEX), Philippine Quality and Productivity Movement, the Private Investment and Trade Opportunities â Philippines (USAID), the Development Bank of the Philippines with Japanâs OECF â funded, Technical Assistance on Management Program (WODP) of Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE, NCR and Region 4). We are an accredited training institution of Civil Service Commission.We are the Training Consultants of Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) since 2000. The training that we conducted for GSIS centered on Leadership, Teambuilding, Values Enhancement, Coaching and Counseling for their Leaders. The Department of Science and Technology (DOST) are using our services since 1994 as their Productivity Consultants in developing the Export Market in our Country.
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