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Company Information

Company Name: Orangetag Coffee Brewery
Country: Philippines
State: Cavite
City: Imus City
Category: Coffee Shops
Address: 1120, Nueno Avenue, Bayan Luma, Imus City 4103 Cavite
Phone: +63 (46) 573 7634


     Orangetag Coffee Brewery is a purposeful vintage nook in the heart of Las Pinas City. The welcoming European eccentricity along with its classic feel of the music is meant to comfort every coffee lovers up to the last minute of their stay.
Our not so spacious place is assertive to keep our customer's the ample warmth and calming state of being-in-the-moment. Savor yourself from the variety of our delectable menu that will tempt your taste buds. Luscious flavored frappuccinos. Mouth-watering homemade pastries. And brewed coffee for every caffeinologists around the City.
Nowadays, every moment can be captured but the best part of it is rather felt as it happens, kept and collected.
Can't wait for a quick sweet escape from the noisy world? Let's have some coffee then
Update Time: 2020-09-24