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Company Directory

Company Information

Country: Philippines
City: Butuan City
Date of Establishment: 1950
Address: J C Aquino Avenue, Butuan City, Agusan Del Norte
Phone: +63 (85) 225 2559


     BORMAHECO, INC. was incorporated on October 16, 1950 and the Certificate of Registration was issued by the Securities and Exchange Commission on February 23, 1951, and has been in existence in Machinery and Heavy Equipment business for the last 50 years. Now Bormaheco, Inc. is one of the biggest machinery and heavy equipment supplies in the Philippines. It caters to the requirements of mining, logging, agriculture, construction, brokerage, transport ship building industries.
Contact Person: HERMAN JR. M. CERVANTES Designation: OPERATIONS Telephone: 8970932 Email: [email protected]
Employees: 200
Update Time: 2021-04-08