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Company Information

Company Name: BSC Training Institute
Country: Philippines
State: Metro Manila
Date of Establishment: 2015
Address: #306-B A.Tanco Building cor. Kalentong St., Shaw Blvd, Mandaluyong, Metro Manila, Mandaluyong City, Metro Manila, Philippines
Phone: (02) 398 5119


     Are you a businessman, employee, or looking for an opportunity that will give you a solution on how you can be more beneficial and can help you widen your skills to meet the world needs? Or an aspiring entrepreneur who wants to establish a profitable business?
Here at BSC, we are very happy to mentor and lead you on your way to having a successful career. Our training institution primarily offers 3 major value recommendations:
First, the business coaching seminar to help business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs boost their business and coach them about their business plan so they can have a deep understanding of how a business will work. This program can serve as an advantage for you, It covers laundry seminars for laundry business industry, beauty salon operation seminar, and water refilling station seminar.
Second is the skills training seminar, this seminar is for the skilled workforce and job seeker who wants to have an actual interaction to gain knowledge about the nature of their job and also to increase their capability and effectiveness on work.
Lastly, the career enhancement seminar for employees and professionals who are seeking for a career enhancement. It helps them prepares to be more competitive and productive so they can be an asset in the institution they served. What we offer is very favorable that can improve your future career growth.
We are very glad to help you in pursuing your personal development or as a contributor to your growing business.
For more details about our training, you can visit our website at
Company Manager: King Anthony Geneblazo
Contact Person: (02) 398-5119 / [email protected]
Employees: 6-10
Update Time: 2020-09-18