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Company Directory

Company Information

Country: Philippines
State: Bataan
City: Pilar
Date of Establishment: 2015
Address: 14 and 15, Panilao Shopping Arcade, Panilao, Panilao, Pilar 2101 Bataan
Phone: +63 (047) 240 4727
Work Hour:
      Monday:open 24hours
      Tuesday:open 24hours
      Wednesday:open 24hours
      Thursday:open 24hours
      Friday:open 24hours
      Saturday:open 24hours
      Sunday:open 24hours


     Avie Training and Consultancy Services gives top of the line training and safety consultations to companies and individuals. In ensure that health and Safety preserved for all members of the organization. A wise profit assurance approach.
We Are Committed to ensure that all our students continuously develop their skills and OSH competency by providing FREE Training, professional Advice and assistance through constant communication following and monitoring their professional engagement.
- Raymond Gomez Blanco DOLE OSHP Training Director Avietcs
Company Manager: Salvacion I Jaro
Contact Person: Raymond Gomez Blanco
Employees: 16-25
Product: BOSH COSH LCM ETc Referral Scheme
Update Time: 2020-09-23