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Company Directory

Company Information

Country: Philippines
State: Laguna
Category: Shipping-Cargo
Address: Building 5, Daystar Industrial Park Street, Daystar Industrial Park, Santa Rosa City, Laguna
Phone: +63 (2) 8 519 4311
Fax: 63 2 521 9125


     Founded by friends- Sumiyo Kariya-CEO, Capt. Erlindo M. Salvador- President and the late Atty. Serapio Catindig who envisioned of putting up and starting a manning agency 32 years ago for the purpose of generating employment for Filipino seafarers, providing professional services to our principals and henceforth contributing to the economy of the Philippines. Since the company was established through a foundation of both partnership and friendship. We at PTSC also considers our principals not just clients but partners and friends as well. Our passion for effective martime solution and vision of excellence and total customer satisfaction are the assurances that we can offer to our principals.
Update Time: 2020-10-22