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Company Directory

Company Information

Country: Philippines
State: Cebu
City: Cebu City
Date of Establishment: 2003
Address: The Maxwell Hotel Annex Bldg, Escario Street, Kamputhaw,Cebu City, Cebu City, Cebu, Philippines
Phone: (032) 54054645,09228322543
Fax: (032)5054645 ext 102
Work Hour:


     The Philippine School of Culinary Arts (PSCA) offers you a menu of career possibilities in the exciting world of culinary arts. At PSCA you will learn the art and science of food, acquire the necessary skills and develop the discipline to succeed in the culinary field. Or perhaps you are a culinary hobbyist or someone interested in improving your cooking skills so you can surprise family and friends with your delightful gastronomic treats.
Company Manager: Libia L. Chavez
Employees: 6-10
Update Time: 2020-09-16