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Company Information

Country: Philippines
State: Cebu
City: Cebu City
Date of Establishment: 2013
Address: Seascapes Resort Town, Mactan Island, Cebu, Philippines (+6332) 513 3593, Cebu City, Cebu
Phone: (+6332) 513 3593


     The name Serulyan has its phonetic roots from the word Cerulean, which is drawn from a Latin origin meaning “heaven” or “sky,” but is also used to refer to the “sea.”
The three cerulean brush strokes form the logo: the sea, the sky, and the winds in between.
Come home and walk through tree-lined paths. Breathe in the aroma of fresh sea air and hear the nostalgic sound of the waves. Fall in love with nature like never before. Live in a sanctuary with amenities set on a landscaped canvas.
This is Serulyan Seascapes Mactan. Your Garden Home Awaits.
Employees: 501-1000
Update Time: 2020-09-16