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Country: Philippines
State: Cebu
City: Cebu City
Address: Unit 31B, 3rd Floor Cebu Business Park, Cebu City, Cebu, Philippines
Phone: (032) 232-4803


     Smart Communications, Inc. (SMART) is the Philippines' leading wireless services provider with over 5- million subscribers on its network as of 2012.
SMART has built a reputation for innovation, having introduced world-first wireless data services, including mobile commerce services such as Smart Money, Smart Load and Smart Padala. SMART also offers 3G and HSPA services. Its Smart Link service provides communications to the global maritime industry. Smart Broadband, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary, offers a wireless broadband service, Smart BRO.
SMART is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Philippines' leading telecommunications carrier, the Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company.
Update Time: 2020-09-16