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Company Information

Company Name: Metro Pharma Philippines
Country: Philippines
City: Pasig City
Address: 600 Shaw Boulevard, Pasig CPO, 1600, Pasig City, Philippines
Phone: 62 2 637 1849 to 53,63 2 637 5514
Fax: 63 2 637 6053


     Metro Pharma Phils. Inc. (MPPI) is a Phil-based search and development pharmaceutical company engaged in the ethical marketing of top quality research-based pharmaceutical products that provide innovative solutions to the current healthcare needs of the Filipino.MPPI was established by the Metro Pacific Group (Phil subsidiary of First Pacific Co. Ltd) in 1989 as Metro Pacific Pharma Inc., an affiliate division of Metro Drug, Inc set up to provide 3rd party service marketing to its multinational principals.
Update Time: 2020-09-18