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Company Information

Company Name: 12:24 Cargo Express
Country: Philippines
City: Pasig City
Address: 538 MRR Rd., Manila Mahogany Compd., Manggahan, 1611, Pasig City, Philippines
Phone: 63 2 748 1229,63 2 381 4340,63 2 748 1230


     12:24 Cargo is a forwarding company in the Philippines that primarily caters to Balikbayan boxes. It acts as delivery agents of consolidators of balikbayan boxes overseas.12:24 Cargo Express was established in 2005 as a single proprietorship and in November 28, 2007 it was registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission as a corporation.The twelve (12) years experience in the industry of door to door business is the only capital that the owners has brought into in forming this very young and aggressive company. In its first year of operations, the company was able to close deal with ten (10) companies operating balikbayan boxes in seven (7) countries.
Update Time: 2020-09-18