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Company Information

Company Name: Furtheredge Corporation
Country: Philippines
State: Metro Manila
City: Pasig City
Address: Suite 403 Emerald Place 604 Shaw Blvd Pasig City, Pasig City, Metro Manila, Philippines
Phone: 7381944
Fax: 7381944
Work Hour:
      Monday:9:00 am - 6:00 pm
      Tuesday:9:00 am - 6:00 pm
      Wednesday:9:00 am - 6:00 pm
      Thursday:9:00 am - 6:00 pm
      Friday:9:00 am - 5:00 pm


     FurtherEdge Company Profile
FurtherEdge is a dynamic company established by seasoned professionals whose skills have been honed from some of the world’s leading institutions, like Andersen Consulting (now known as Accenture), Johnson & Johnson, and Citibank. Their extensive and collective experience, both from the client and consultant’s perspectives, covers a wide range of technical, operational, and managerial fields. FurtherEdge draws from these experiences in formulating creative and leading-edge solutions.
Our Vision and Mission
FurtherEdge’s vision is to become the most preferred alternative to the so-called “branded” consulting and information technology (IT) companies, and aggressively evolve to become a highly respected, if not the number one brand itself in the markets we choose to compete. This we will achieve, by serving our mission, which is to provide the most innovative and best value IT products and services to our customers, to help them achieve or surpass their goals faster.
By providing an environment of nurturing, challenges, opportunities, and fun to our Team, FurtherEdge shall be the second home of the young, creative, and driven talents. We are genuinely determined to help them be closer to or realize their dreams and aspirations faster.
Our Commitment
Our customer relationships are long-term partnerships. We measure our success through customer retention and repeat business. To do this, we believe we must pay constant attention to the ongoing needs of our customers. To date, our repeat business is at 100%.
Our Edge
Our collective professional experience in IT is broad, deep, and most importantly, successful. Most of our team members have, at one point in their careers, worked for both a reputable IT consulting firm and a large client company. Some even assumed positions of strategic importance.
Our experience in the development and/or implementation of complex enterprise and extended enterprise systems is solid – from integrated enterprise resource planning (ERP), data warehousing and decision support, mobile applications, customer-based systems, to internet-enabled solutions.
Using our implementation methodology called SURE, or Solid Understanding, Rapid Execution, we have helped our clients realize their IT-related projects within budget and in record time.
All these experiences give us a unique ability and confidence to meet your specific business requirements, and make your project an unqualified success.
Company Manager: 1992
Contact Person: Grace Adame, 7381944, [email protected]
Product: HuMan EDGE (HCM)
Update Time: 2020-09-18